Maude Trevvett Elementary School PTO
We are a 501 C 3 organization made up of parents, teachers and families dedicated to serving our school by providing resources that build our community. Though we are a separate organization from the school, we work alongside the staff at Trevvett to help support all the great work that they do in teaching our students. The funds that we raise go back into the school by providing support to each classroom individually and collectively by grade, feeding our teachers on conference days, replacing recess and PE equipment, celebrating our teachers during teacher appreciation week and our students with the PAW Achievement program.
We love our Principals
October is National Principals Month
Join us in thanking our principals for doing such an outstand job!

Arainau Neal

Associate Principal
Jennifer Rhoden
Papa John's PTO Spirit Night
Pumpkins & Pizzas
It was wonderful to see all the smiling faces of the children that came to our 1st Spirit Night of the school year. It was awesome to have so many come out to see their teachers, collect a goody bag and a pumpkin for PAW Achievement. Despite COVID, the Tiger family came together.


School Spirit

Community despite COVID

Dear Trevvett Elementary Families,
We are kicking off our virtual fundraiser today and need you to take action below. This email serves as your fundraising packet. There is no selling, no product, no money collection and no deliveries. We simply need 5 minutes of your time. With Covid and budget cuts, our school can use needed funds for document cameras and supplies, teacher appreciation, recess equipment and student incentives.
Our school needs your help and our students can win some awesome prizes! Simply register, load 10 emails of friends and family in your network and then share your page on your social network. Please click this link to register and load your emails. This should only take you 5 minutes.
For your 10 emails, your child wins a COOP lanyard, a COOP Keychain, and a Wacky Wall Walker! If you send 20 or more emails, they enter a drawing to win a Mini-Fridge filled with CASH! Students can also win additional prizes as their emails and shares move them up the prize ladder for bigger prizes including light up Basketballs, the Amazon Echo Dot, RC Flying Birds, Lego Robots, and the new X BOX Series X!
Click on these links for more information on our campaign.
KICKOFF VIDEO: https://youtu.be/ugP3yVqxzOg
KUNG FU COOP VIDEO: https://youtu.be/3o8JeQaKqJE
PRIZES: https://storage.googleapis.com/megablast-production-external-files/prizes-chart/1604071227074.pdf
PTA MESSAGE: https://vimeo.com/464059842
Thank you for taking action TONIGHT to help your child help our school!